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Mesin Roasting Kopi Buatan Indonesia pratter 5.0 (1).png

Coffee Roaster Machine PRATTER 5.0

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Pratter 5.0

PRATTER is one of the brands of coffee processing products from Indonesia. PRATTER currently has a Coffee Bean Processing Machine, namely PRATTER COFFEE ROASTER MACHINE with several types Included with the Electrical airflow control, drum speed control and burner control. Pratter 5.0 series can be controlled in two different ways. Manually via the control panel or semi-automatically via Roasting Scope / Data Logging Software. Roasting is the process of changing coffee beans from green beans to roasted beans. One of the important processes in coffee processing because this process will affect the quality of the aroma and taste of coffee. Each coffee bean from various regions, of course, has a distinctive taste and aroma. This roasting process will strengthen the taste and aroma of each processed coffee bean. PRATTER Coffee Roaster Machine Pratter 5.0 is a coffee roaster machine with a capacity of 5.0 kg / batch. The three key points of this process are: Coffee Bean Heating System Roasting Process Support PRATTER COFFEE ROASTER MACHINE with several types of variants using 220V power and LPG gas as a burner supply can be your choice to start and develop a coffee bean processing business. . Last Update in 2023-02-16 05:09:44

Keyword : PRATTER Coffee Roasting Machine

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