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Gresik Special Economic Zone - JIIPE Global Business & Markets

Gresik Special Economic Zone - JIIPE

PT. Berkah Kawasan Manyar Sejahtera Site Office: Jl. Raya Manyar Km. 11, Manyar-Gresik, East Java 61151 Representative Office: AKR Tower 25th Floor Jl. Perjuangan No. 5 Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta 11530

JIIPE is a mega project jointly developed by PT AKR Corporindo and PT Pelindo. The construction of JIIPE began in early 2013 and has been appointed as Indonesia Special Economic Zone (SEZ) by the President of Indonesia in 2021. Until now, JIIPE has brought in 17 tenants such as Bank Indonesia, PT Freeport Indonesia, Rodamas, Unichem Candi Indonesia, Clariant Indonesia, Waskita Beton Precast, Adhimix PCI Indonesia, Nippon Indosari Corporindo (Sari Roti), Pangansari, Fertilizer Inti Technology, Tirta Bahagia, Cahaya Maju Lestari, PT AKR Corporindo, dan Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia. The total area of JIIPE is 3,000 hectares and it consists of industrial estates, deep seaport, and residential area. JIIPE provides superior connectivity with multimodal transportation, connected deep seaport (up to -16 LWS and is the deepest seaport in East Java), one-stop complete utility, environmental permit, and fast construction permit. It has all the utilities needed by any industry, such as power plants, industrial freshwater, waste management, gas supply, and telecommunication networks. As SEZ, JIIPE also provide additional incentives to investors. The benefits include fiscal incentives such as lower income tax and customs tax, as well as nonfiscal incentives that include 1-door approval and licensing, ease of passage of goods, and flexibility in employment. This makes JIIPE become a major investment destination in Indonesia.

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