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Dewan Minyak Sawit Indonesia / Indonesian Palm Oil Board (IPOB)

Pusat Bisnis Thamrin City Lt.7 No.729-730 Jl. Thamrin Boulevard Jakarta Pusat 10230 Indonesia

National oil palm development requires the existence of an institution that is able to accommodate all the common interests of the national oil palm businesses. The said institutions should serve as the set of all national forces, both elements of the government and the whole business, to build national oil palm industry is tough. DMSI aims to improve cooperation and coordination between businesses and facilitate the formulation of regulations and national policies of the oil palm are able to bring businesses to compete, tough International market with regard to environmental sustainability. DMSI as program and policy coordination center of the oil perkelapa-national task is to facilitate active: 1. Formulation development program of national palm oil industry. 2. Formulation of regulatory and policy development of national palm oil industry is energized, tough in the international market and continuing to be implemented by all authorized institutions and stakeholders. 3. The formulation of guidelines for long-term national development programs of oil palm. 4. Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the regulatory and policy development of national palm oil industry.

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